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Hardware Setup

Depending on what type of controller is being used, controllers are either manually added or they are scanned for and imported into the software. Either-way there is minimal configuration involved in getting a new controller online.


Visual Doors supports five different controller types:



Once the controllers have been added to the system you can then configure the readers and add NXT 4x4 modules, (NXT 4x4 modules can only be added to NXT and MSC controller types).


Using PXL-500 Controllers

When using PXL controllers you must first get the Primary controller online, other Secondary controllers are then added to the system using a process called Auto configuration. Communication to the PXL network is via serial or Ethernet.




- PXL Controller Setup



Using Entraguard controllers

Entraguard controllers can be used standalone or as part of a PXL network. Therefore they can be configured as a Primary controller or as a Secondary controller. Communication to a Primary Entraguard is via Serial or Ethernet.


Entraguard Controller


- Entraguard Controller Setup



Using NXT controllers

You can add NXT controllers manually or using the Scan feature. Typically you would use the Scan feature if you are connecting to it on the same Local Area Network and it has been reset. Manually adding the controller would typically be done when the controller is pre-configured with its TCP/IP address information and may not be located on the same Local Area Network.


NXT 4D Controller


- NXT Controller Setup



Using MSC controllers

MSC controllers can either be manually added to the system or detected using the Scan feature. NOTE: You would also scan for the MSC controller if you wish to connect to it, perhaps to change the controller IP address or the Gateway IP address.


NXT Controller


MSC Controller Setup

Using Neutron Controllers

Neutron single door controllers are added to the system using Auto-Config. Communication to the Neutron network is via the USB-RS485 adapter and Auto-Config automatically detects which COM port the adapter is using. The adapter plugs into whichever controller is closest to the host PC and the other controllers and wired together on an RS-485 network.


Neutron Controller